Hey lovely single

Christian ladies!

My heart is for you! I was single for 15 years before God took me from divorced and demoted to my dream life in just 18 months.

For years, I knew that I needed to trust God to make changes, but I couldn’t seem to get there. I was stuck in an off-again, on again, toxic, romantic relationship for far too long.

Maybe you can relate.


I know that trusting God for more than what’s in front of you can be tough.

I thought I was all alone, and that no one understood. But God showed me otherwise—by showing me His lasting love, which eventually led me to my earthly husband.

Now, you can glean from what I learned—without the additional years of heartache—by following the steps in my free guide.

"5 Steps to TRUST GOD More than

Your Toxic Relationships"

Once I verbally committed to trust God in every area of my life, He gave me specific signs showing me my next steps. I followed His path to my dream location and meaningful work. He put me where I needed to be and He lessened my stress so that I was in the right place with the right frame of mind to meet my dream man!

All that happened in just 18 months!

I have talked to many women with similar stories. God drew them with His love. They accepted His offer to meet with Him each day. He then helped them release the toxic relationship so they too could receive their own dream life.

I’ve compiled what took me years to learn in my free guide.

"5 Steps to TRUST GOD More than

Your Toxic Relationships"

Start your journey today!

  • Do you long for a loving, healthy romantic relationship but do you tend to settle for someone in your path?

  • Do you hide your dating life from friends who have warned you about this relationship?  

  • Have you tried to hold out for something better, but then cave when you feel like a second-class citizen in church because you are either single or single again?

  • Do you tend to go back to a toxic relationship after you see friends or family with their husbands or kids?

If you answered yes to any of these questions and you know that you want to stop sabotaging your life, get my guide:

"5 Steps to TRUST GOD More than

Your Toxic Relationships"

The truth is, If I didn’t learn how to trust God more than my toxic relationship when I did, I could have missed out on the DREAM LIFE I have.


Looking back, I can’t believe how close I came to a devastating second marriage. I’ve talked with far too many ladies who accepted a less—than—great relationship that later imprisoned them in a dysfunctional marriage.

I want EVERY Christian single lady to get free BEFORE it’s too late for her to make a change. My guide, "5 Steps to TRUST GOD More than Your Toxic Relationships," can help.